
“Enhancing Organizational Vitality Through Further Development of QC Circle Activities”
September 11-14, 2011
Pacifico Yokohama Convention Complex, JAPAN
Invitation to ICQCC’11-Yokohama
“International Convention on Quality Control Circles” was initially started as “International Exchange of East Asia QC Circles” among Japan, Korea, and Taiwan in 1976. The event became an official international convention in 1978 when the very first ICQCC was held in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, ICQCC has been held annually by rotating the host country among 13 Asian countries and regions. This year, ICQCC will take place in Yokohama and it is our great pleasure to host ICQCC 2011, the seventh convention to be organized in Japan.
QC Circle activity is now growing internationally and positioned as part of the TQM practice. Beyond the boundaries of countries and industries, QC Circle activity is regarded as an essential small group activity and is highly recognized for its effectiveness in solving problems at workplace, vitalizing office environment, improving quality and cost.
Having gained international attention as a home of QC Circle activity, Japan is now determined to fulfill a role with our best effort to lead the world manufacturing at ICQCC’11 Yokohama. We strongly believe this will be a great opportunity for your organization to participate in this convention for further promoting global expansion. Please join us in 2011 and we look forward to seeing you in Yokohama.

Tadaaki Jagawa
Committee Chairman

Special Thanks to Coordinator Organizations Worldwide
- Bangladesh Society for Total Quality Management (BSTQM), Bangladesh
- China Association for Quality (CAQ), China
- Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), Hong Kong
- Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI), India
- Indonesian Quality Management Association (IQMA), Indonesia
- Korean Standards Association (KSA), Korea
- Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), Malaysia
- Productivity Improvement Circles Association of the Philippines (PICAP), the Philippines
- Singapore Productivity Association (SPA), Singapore
- Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Quality & Productivity (SLAAQP), Sri Lanka
- Association of Pioneer Quality Control Research (PQCRA), Taiwan
- The Association of QC Headquarters of Thailand (QCHQ), Thailand
Contact Information
ICQCC’11-Yokohama Secretariat
C/O Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE)
5-10-11 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051 Japan
Tel: +81-3-5379-1229 (9:00-17:00 / Monday to Friday)
Fax: +81-3-3225-1814
E-mail: icqcc2011@juse.or.jp
ICQCC’11-Yokohama Official Travel Agent
C/O PTS Corp.
1F, Takadanobaba TS Bldg.,
3-13-2 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 177-0033 Japan
E-mail: hotel-reservation@pts.co.jp