
How to Prepare for the Deming Prize Examination

Following the below listed steps will help applicant organization enhance its level of TQM effectively across the organization to prepare for the Deming Prize examination.

1. Deepen understanding of TQM and boost the morale of employees across the organization for TQM implementation and promotion

It will be helpful to have top management participate in the quality related conferences and lectures in order to learn winner’s experiences, deepen understanding of TQM and know their beliefs. Visit other companies that have made achievements by implementing TQM and observe their TQM practices first-hand. Inspire managers, site supervisor and employees by letting them participate in external quality conferences and QC Circle Conventions to learn other company’s cases. It is also effective to have TQM experts carry out QC diagnosis at your company.

2. Create a structure to advance TQM and set up a TQM promotion plan

Organizing a TQM promotion body in a central part of your company is a good way to start implementing TQM. Depend on the progress, plants and business units should also have a downsized version of the TQM promotion body. It is where TQM promotion plan is going to be discussed and set up. TQM promotion body should also have its subordinate bodies such as QC Circle promotion committee and committees by such functions as quality assurance, cost management and production management etc. that are related to Q, C, D, S, M, E.

3. Provide education on quality management

Raise employees’ interest in quality and let them understand what quality management is about and how to manage it. To gain understanding of statistical way of thinking and methods, provide in-house training as well as an opportunity to participate in the external training programs considering employees’ work duties and positions. Depend on the progress, carry out suitable OJT, deepen relationship with other companies and present cases at an external conferences. To involve affiliate companies and business partners in education is also encouraged.

4. Identify issues and make improvements

Clarify high priority and urgent issues such as quality enhancement, cost reduction and securing of production and order volume. Set a numerical target and work toward achieving the target by functional groups and teams. At the same time, review the new product development system, quality assurance system and responsibilities of each positions. Improve the management systems by setting management items.

5. Start from an in-house QC diagnosis and move on to achieve higher goals

It is crucial to carry out QC diagnosis by top management not only to motivate employees but also as a way to develop a person in charge of QC activity and check if the top management policy is being followed. If a company achieves certain level of excellence in terms of QC, it should take a step forward and aim for higher goals to further enrich its business activity.

6. Apply for Deming Prize

To carry out TQM Diagnosis in advance by the Deming Prize Committee is a mandatory requirement to apply for Deming Prize. The diagnosis will help an applicant organization understand their strength and weakness from the viewpoint of the Deming Prize Examination standard. The Deming Prize Examination and diagnosis findings are closely linked. Receiving TQM Diagnosis by the Deming Prize Committee is also useful to further promote TQM activity effectively.
